Wednesday, June 27, 2012

no trailer brake lights!?

Got pulled into the back of a weigh station yesterday 6-26 in Watson,MO because the trailer brake lights weren't working...HAHA...totally thought it was cause the weights weren't good. I was so nervous when Big Daddy was in the guard shack, big sigh of relief when he came out. Had to wait for the lady to come out and do a full inspection,
which took awhile cause there's were a few more trucks that got pulled in after us but oh well no biggie, she said we couldn't move til it was fixed BUMMER!
  So Big Daddy took a look to find out why the lights weren't working, found out it was electrical...BIGGER BUMMER...or so I thought, Big Daddy fixed it...that's right my mans smart lol
So all is good, delivered in Omaha,NE this morning and we'll be headed to Tulsa,OK tomorrow, hopefully NO TORNADOS!!
Actually to be perfectly honest I want to see the funnel clouds just keep the actual tornado away lol
Thanks for reading, hope your enjoying this blog until next time
Stay classy y'all

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Great weather YAY!

Headed to East St.Louis,IL 
we're in Ohio right now and its been great weather today, unlike the last week where its been really hot over here on the east coast but hey I cant complain got to see a beautiful sunrise this morning!
The sun was bright red, just AMAZING!!!

Beautiful sunrise in Michigan this morning!

You cant tell from the photos but the sun was bright red when it was rising!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

here we go again!

So we did a 34hr restart over the weekend, got a full 70hrs of drive time Monday 6-18 morning and not to long after we got a load, picked up in Portland,CT 6-18 n delivered in Waynesburg,OH yesterday 6-20. Well when we picked up I was getting out of the truck to help Big Daddy move the trailer axle 'tandems' so that our weight was legal, which is steer tires 'front truck tires' cant weigh more than 12,000, the drives 'back tires on the truck' and trailer axle 'tandems' no more than 34,000 on each.

  Anyways when I was stepping down to the ground, under my right foot in all its glory, a freakin rock. Next thing I know I roll my ankle and land flat on my back in the dirt, HA! that'll teach me to look at the ground before stepping down, which I do keep a three point stance '2 hands 1 foot or 1 hand 2 feet' every time I get in and out of the truck and I always look at the ground to make sure Im not going to step in or on anything, hmm Im not sure why I didn't this time? All is good though, yea my ankle/foot hurt still but hey it'll heal up...dang rock in Connecticut!

   On another note were in Ohio...SO HOT! got another load under us headed to Napoleon,OH and it looks like the planners are headed us back west, which Big Daddy is happy with, cause he really doesn't like it on the east coast, me on the other hand, I like it! Id rather be on the west coast but Im happy anywhere we go. Im not the driver so I think I enjoy it more over here ;-) Being able to see beautiful places that most people never get to, I feel so blessed to be out here with him. I know Ive said it before but seriously I cant imagine being out here with anyone else, hes great at what he does n Im so proud of him.
I trust Big Daddy with my life, that's why I don't worry bout the traffic, weather and messed up roads, he can get through it all no problem. Speaking of the messed up roads, there's so many tolls over here that are there to pay for the roads to get fixed, so question is why are the roads still messed up?
seriously its like a roller coaster or riding a mechanical bull. I don't get it, if the tolls are really there to pay for the roads to get fixed it should be smooth sailing not messed up.
until then I guess we'll all just enjoy the bumpy ride whenever were on the road.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

another state gets crossed off!

Well we'll be crossing off another state from the list when Saturday 6-16 rolls around because we're headed to Connecticut tomorrow!  We'll only have 6 more states to go til we have been to all the continental states, Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont will be all that's left to visit, seriously cant wait til I can say "we've been to all 48 continental US states, now we're working on going to Alaska and Hawaii!"
we want to go to Alaska and Hawaii of course so we've been to all 50 states but those
two will be a vacation someday. Until then Ill just keep dreaming!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

long couple of days only to be relaxed by a pic :)

Boy the last couple of days have been long ones, felt like they were NEVER going to end.
Were in Wisconsin now, one of the states with the most Christmas tree farms, it gets me in
the Christmas spirit even in the heat of summer! Delivered earlier today and got another load so well be headed to Michigan tomorrow morning. This pic is from Iowa, every time I look at it, it makes me feel all peaceful inside :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Its not the traffic that gets under my skin...

So we were driving on I-84-E in Idaho today,
construction everywhere but not to bad.
I get irritated though in construction sites,
not from the traffic but its the workers getting out
of there cars/trucks near the open lane not paying attention to vehicles passing by...
gah look and make sure no ones coming,
your door hangs in the open lane...
do everyone a favor don't park and get out of your vehicle so close to passing traffic,
there's a reason there's designated parking on the side of the road away from any traffic
for you guys...USE IT...don't be irresponsible!
on another note...the flaggers out there with there backs to on coming traffic not paying
attention to your surroundings, stop trying to look all cute and think your invincible...
your not you can and will get hit so PAY ATTENTION!
your not out there to be eye candy, you got a job so do it...face traffic be aware of
everything going on around you.
now that I got that off my chest I feel better! Today has been great other than being
irritated for awhile lol beautiful weather all day!
were in Jerome,ID great place....hmmmm I just realized I think a lot of places are
great even if its a podunk town its kinda cool lol
hope everyone has a great day and gets out and enjoys this beautiful weather!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

No worries plenty of time to get there!

Picked up in Vale,OR, I like hook n' drops,
you don't have to wait in the truck or in the
place your at while they get there stuff together.
Vale, its a nice place. Its one of those towns that
make me feel like we stepped back in time,people
saying hello to each other as they go on about their
busy days, buildings that look like there from the
old west and then you have a bunch of cars and trucks from the
40's and 50's sitting around. some rusted up
haven't been used in years but still very awesome,
then there are those beautifully painted running cars that make
me feel good inside!
Someone or a group of people sure do know how to make an old
car lovers jaw drop ;)
On another note the weathers been gloomy today, just the way
Big Daddy n I like it. were in Ontario,OR for the night again,
which is alright considering we don't have to deliver in Wisconsin
until Tuesday the 12th.
So time to relax and take it easy! 
Until next time signing off with a beautiful sunset and rain drops
making themselves known on the truck

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ill always remember that smart Beaver in Tennessee!

We started driving the rest of the way to Idaho round 1:30 this morning.
Saw the brightest shooting star Ive ever seen, it was going great until
a bunch of jack rabbits started deciding it would be fun to cross the
road when were close to them. Well we hit two and both times I felt bad.
I know it happens all the time, but dang I just hate the sound and its
a very distinct sound when you hit!
Im wondering why those jack rabbits haven't figured out that if they wait
a few minutes they'll live? Ya know its not that difficult. Like when we
were in Tennessee last summer, it was one of the hottest days record setting
actually, we got two blowouts in 3 hours. It was annoying!
Anyways when we were waiting for the road side assistant guys for the
second and final blowout, guys, they were very busy that day so it was
awhile before they got there. Well I saw a Beaver come out of the woods
across the interstate headed to the water on the other side.
We thought it was just going to cross like any other animal out there not
caring if a vehicle is coming or not and get hit!
but much to our surprise that little guy or girl whatever actually waited
for the cars to pass before crossing! It was amazing!
It looked like the beaver was waiting at a cross walk that only it knew about
until the sign said walk lol
when it headed back to the wooded area it did the same thing, just waited patiently!
So from what we witnessed that day, I think these animals out there gotta
know that vehicles can kill them, or at least thats what I think they know...ok
maybe it was just that smart little beaver!
Smarty he'll always be to me! ok maybe Im just a little crazy for thinking that?
Were in Ontario,OR and in case you were wondering the weather is BEAUTIFUL today!
were going to be headed to Milwaukee,WI tomorrow.
Should be a great trip hey the miles are real good!!!
so until m next blog heres to keeping the shining side up
and hoping those animals out there smartin up and look both ways before
crossing to the other side :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

For Big Daddy!


There's just somethin bout the open road
that keeps us together.
could it be the rush of the long endless nights?
could it be the freedom of getting
to different cities, towns, states
in the nick of time?
meeting new people?
getting to see the beautiful wonders of America
most people just dream of?
I bet its all the above!
I wouldn't want to take this crazy ride of a life
with anyone else
cuz baby you and me
well conquer every obstacle out here
Ill map the routes
and with you behind that
Big Ol' Black steering wheel
well get there,
safe and sound!

Challenge Mag!!!

oh I almost forgot to share 
I wrote a little letter to the editor of  'Challenge Magazine' from Pilot/Flying J 
and guess what???
yea its only a letter to the editor but I think its pretty awesome ;)
so if you want to get the issue, its this months issue "June" and you can pick 
one up at either a Pilot or Flying J truck stop!
its on PAGE 12
Im going to submit one of my poems that I wrote for Big Daddy 
hoping I get it published!!!
boy wouldnt that be exciting


Crazy weather the last couple of days, the wind has been so strong.
kinda scary even when your in the truck driving down the road and
you can feel the power behind those roaring wind sounds outside
thinking at anytime you may tip over!
The wind has calmed down and now there's just little rain drops
clanking against the truck every couple of minutes, sounds awesome 
by the way :)
Were headed to Nampa,ID then Ontario,OR gotta deliver to K-Mart 
in both places tomorrow, which I like because Oregon in one of my 
favorite states to be in!
This year has gone by so fast already, cant believe its already June!
but hey heres to the summer full of sunny warm days I hope...even 
though I like Fall,Winter and Spring WAY BETTER lol